Episode 12 – Haunted Boozy Places Pt. 2: The Moon River Brewing Company

In this episode, Zoey tells the story of Savannah, Georgia’s Moon River Brewing Company. Riddled with ghosts, and a potential dark entity, the brewing company is one of many haunted buildings in what is considered the most haunted city in America. The ghosts include a town drunk killed by a local doctor (where the doctor faced no consequences), a malicious Lady in White, several children who died in the hotel when it was taken over by a hospital during the yellow fever epidemics, and a shadow figure with a history of violent acts.

Moon River is proud of the ghosts that inhabit their building, and give tours of the basement where the shadow figure is seen. Not only that, but they welcome paranormal investigators with open arms, including the wonderful Zak Baggins. Zoey and Robin watch clips of the Ghost Adventure episode that includes EVPs, ghost orbs, and a potential possession and weigh in on how legit they think the claims are.

Also, at the beginning of the episode, Robin covers Something Spooky – Sleep Paralysis. She shares the two times she has experienced it and gives a more clinical background on why sleep paralysis happens (using WebMD as a source). Reminded by Robin’s experiences, Zoey shares a more paranormal explanation of Sleep Paralysis and also shares a story of when she may have been used as a vessel for a spirit to communicate.

This episode also continues the homage to our Podcast Friends, Barks Brews and a Casket for Two, including a promo at the end! To hear their Southern-inspired episode, go here!

While researching for this episode, I couldn’t help but wonder if I really was doing it justice. Honestly, you could have an entire podcast dedicated to the city of Savannah, and the first 5 episodes could be just about the general history, and another two could be about the Moon River Brewing Company.

The Moon River Brewing company is such a well known story that is told often – its been mentioned on many podcasts, TV shows, and YouTube serials. Having my own twist on the tale that is so well known is almost impossible. I cut out as many things as I could when researching, and yet the episode is still a full hour.

This is definitely one of those places you have to go to so you can take in the full appeal. Maybe one day, Robin and I will go! I sure hope so!


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