Ep 96 – What was that place called again? Oh, right. The Alamo.

In today’s chaotic episode, Zoey discusses the ghosts of the Alamo. Robin, knowing full well that Zoey planned to cover the Alamo, is shocked that there are ghosts. Apparently, Robin was giddy with the thought that Zoey was going to make this a historical podcast. Well, Robin. Too bad. Can’t have history without ghosts, as Zoey always says.

Though you do have to bear through some history taught by Prof Zoey. But don’t worry, the ghosts are many and very close together. They include the people who died during the battle, a few who didn’t but were grief stricken by the death, and a couple we don’t know the stories of. The ghosts are coming after you in this one.

But, before we get into that, we start our Something Something Series about Sleep. Which is decided on the spot as Robin discusses why we dream and she and Zoey discuss various dreams and nightmares they’ve had.


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